Writing Medical White Papers

Most of last week, and this week, I’m busy traveling. Combined ACVP annual conference in Nashville, and Exam Committee duties too. I decided to take some extra time before and after so I could actually drive there and back. A long hike from Boston to Nashville, but it’s been worth it so far – I’ve been able to see some lovely regions for the first time. Always good!

In the meantime…..

Last week I introduced the concept of white papers as a good market for you as a medical writer to think about tapping into, if you haven’t already done so.

My favorite business writer, Cathy Miller, writes a lot of white papers, so while she was away in San Diego last week on her 8th, 60 mile walk for breast cancer, she kindly allowed me to write a guest post on writing medical white papers.



Feel free to check it out if you’re new to the white papers scene and are looking for some pointers on writing white papers for the medical industry.



Image credit Photostock at Free Digital Photos

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    1. Boston to Nashville is 1,100 miles. And I love road trips too, Jacqui. I’m hoping at some point to take a month or so off to drive across country and back and catch up on many different spots that I want to visit. Finally made it home yesterday….trying to slowly catch up now. That’s the only bad thing about being away.

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