This Week In Words
This week I devoted some time to updating my CV, so I thought I’d see how that turned out on Wordle.
Well I’m not sure whether to thank Cathy Miller or not, but she has now helped to get me hooked on! I think this one might be completely addictive. But before you rush off to make your own wordcloud, please check out Cathy’s website or catch her on Twitter @millercathy
Everyone seems to be twitterizing themselves, so I decided to jump on the bandwagon. Apparently I’m not very chatty, interesting, or enthusiastic – seems I may benefit from more socialization, and less twitterization! I did love the “likely obsession” though – anyone who knows me will know how my cat is my nemesis…….she’s tried to…
Time for Step 2 of the “Beginner’s Medical Writing” series – a step-by-step guide to getting yourself started in freelance medical writing. Remember – this is not a “get rich quick” guide, but merely an extremely basic guide for those of you who are pondering branching into medical writing, but don’t quite know how to…
Since I’m a veterinary pathologist by training, I thought you might like me to share some aspects of this side of my work with you. Some of my daily routine involves microscopic evaluation of sections of tissue from animals, often for diagnostic purposes. So I’ll try and share some interesting cases with you from time…
The latest edition of the New England Journal of Medicine describes the results of an interesting series of cases of respiratory symptoms in a group of soldiers returning from deployment to Iraq and Afghanistan. Eighty soldiers at Fort Campbell, Kentucky, were referred for medical evaluation due to respiratory symptoms between 2004-2009. All were unable to…