Fleas And Pets

Fleas are no longer a summertime problem – they can bother your pet all year round, thanks to our cosy, centrally-heated homes that allow flea eggs to incubate and hatch, even in the winter. I’ve written some articles for the HappyTails Canine Spa, so if you want to control fleas, make it a two-sided attack on the…

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Step 4: Using Your Blog

Time for Step 4 of the “Beginner’s Medical Writing” series – a step-by-step guide to getting yourself started in freelance medical writing – an extremely basic guide for making the first move into medical writing. If you’re just arriving, feel free to check out the earlier steps:   Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Hopefully by…

Managing Anxiety

Every year, over 40 million people in the US suffer from anxiety disorder, and more than 20 million will experience some depressive illness. Although anxiety is a natural reaction of the body to any risk, threat, or danger, if your worries become a recurring theme and prevent you from living a normal life, this could suggest an anxiety…