January Updates

It’s hard to believe we’re at the end of the second week in January already. How is it that time went by at a snail’s pace when I was a school kid, but these days I just blink and I’ve lost a couple of months!?

Well, it’s been a busy couple of weeks since I returned to work in the new year. I took the remainder of my vacation leave at the end of last year, so ended up with almost two weeks off. It was wonderful, especially as I enjoyed a fabulous trip to Yosemite National Park. Can’t wait to go back there!

So what else is new here?

  • Identity Crisis: Over the recent months, I’ve been trying to focus my mind (always difficult!) on my blog – specifically its name. When I first started out doing some freelancing, I had envisaged it being focused mostly on editing; however, it’s really morph’ed into more writing and less editing. So right now, since I’d like to buy a domain for this site (eventually, when I stop procrastinating!), I’m trying to come up with a new business name.  One that doesn’t completely focus on one aspect. Currently I’m pondering on “The Boston Microscope”. What do you think? The other option is just to use my own name…..
  • Blogging for Medical Writers: Last week I received an email from the Program Director of our local AMWA-New England Chapter. Our next regional meeting is coming up in mid-February, it’s a roundtable session, where multiple medical writers host discussions on different topics at separate tables. I’ve been asked if I’d be willing to participate by hosting a session on blogging for medical writers. So I’m really excited about this opportunity! 


So that’s where I am right now…….otherwise, I’m just trying to keep my head above water at work, it’s a little crazy at the moment!

I hope the new year is getting off to a good start for you all.



Image credit jscreationzs @FreeDigitalPhotos

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  1. Hey Nicky-what exciting news about the AMWA. I joined that when I first started my business, but decided my niche was broader. Regarding your identity crisis – been there, done that. I would say it depends what you are looking for from your blog.

    Here’s what I found. I started with my business writing site and my health care blog. I wanted one just devoted to my business – business writing. Since I have such a strong niche in health care, I have a blog devoted just to that. I typically only post there once a week. But, I wanted to blog about anything else that interests me so I started my personal blog.

    I’m not proposing you have 3 blogs. 🙂 You may be able to separate by categories. But, what I’ve found is if you don’t have a clear message or purpose for your blog it can confuse readers or get you spotty blog traffic. My 2 cents-worth.

    Best of luck in 2012 and can’t wait to see what you decide.

    1. Hehe! I do already have a 2nd blog which is a personal blog! Your point is so true though, Cathy – you really have to be able to focus your writing on one thing on one site. At one point I did think of having one site that spanned across my pathology consulting niche as well as my writing. But I agree, that’s too diverse, and makes you appear unfocused. I’ll definitely just keep this for my medical/science writing, and use categories on there to separate different topics. Thanks for your thoughts, Cathy – very wise and helpful, as always.

  2. The experts believe you should use your name to develop name recognition. Since you blog for your business purposes, you might consider that. Kerstin Lamb has a great book out (http://worddreams.wordpress.com/2011/11/09/book-review-we-are-not-alone/) on social networks and brand recognition. She finally convinced me and I added ‘jacqui murray’ to the front of WordDreams. Regardless of your blog name, you should buy your name’s URL so no one else can. I use my as a conglomerate of all my interests.

    I love the title–Boston Microscope! You might consider calling it ‘Nicky’s Boston Microscope’ or Nicky Perry’s Boston Microscope’.

    Whichever, keep up the posts. I love them.

    1. Thanks for the book link, Jacqui, I’m going to look that one up. I’m finding that readings like this are very useful as I advance with this. Given what you said about name recognition (and since I’ve heard that a few times beforehand), as I’ve pondered more over the weekend, I’ve been more leaning toward considering using my name for the business. Love the possibility of combining the brand name with my name too! I’m going to chat to some medical writers as well, and see what their experiences have been with naming their site/business. I wish I wasn’t such a procrastinator!

    1. Oh thanks! It was quite unexpected. I almost deleted the email, thinking it was a mass send-out! Glad I didn’t. And don’t worry, I’ll hopefully get some genius to link up to the new place. And if the worse comes to the worst, I’ll let you all know individually! I’d hate you to miss my exciting microscopy updates 😉

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