
Just Do It!

Another Lesson Learned n I’ve learned many great lessons in life – usually from my mistakes. In fact, I always say I’ve learned more from my mistakes than from anything I ever got right. This has frequently been the case when it comes to all-things-technology! My most recent Grrr Moment came from a fried memory…


The Link Between Animal Cruelty and Interpersonal Abuse

Did you know that April was “Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month”? j Each year, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) “urges supporters across the country to support our efforts and Go Orange for Animals in honor of the signing of the ASPCA’s charter in 1866.” No other relationship has…


Memorial Day Thanks to our Military Servicemembers

If you’re fortunate enough to have a day off today, it’s because of the sacrifices made by our military servicemembers.  We have a beautiful Memorial Day tribute in Boston right now. For the 2nd year running, a garden of flags blankets the ground in front of the Soldiers and Sailors Monument on Flagstaff Hill on the Common….

2012 Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting

This weekend I’ve been covering this year’s Annual Meeting of the Pediatric Academic Societies in Boston. My specific assignment was to write news articles on endocrinology presentations there, but there was so much going on outside of the endocrine world!   It’s been a busy couple of days, but I’ve just emerged from the tunnel! I…

Welcome Home!

Well it finally happened! I’d procrastinated enough, and eventually managed to make a decision on a business name so that I could purchase the domain and become self-hosted. I think it’s at least functional here right now, although I’ll be slowly adapting the site more as time goes by, so bear with me! I’m enjoying…

January Updates

It’s hard to believe we’re at the end of the second week in January already. How is it that time went by at a snail’s pace when I was a school kid, but these days I just blink and I’ve lost a couple of months!? Well, it’s been a busy couple of weeks since I…

Conference Musings

I’ve been away from home for 10 days on a road trip of sorts. A 2,478 mile road trip to be exact, to Nashville and back. Last week I was attending the annual conference of the American College of Veterinary Pathologists there, and I’d been pondering ahead of time about driving instead of flying. I live in…

The Spell Chequer

Well after an exhausting few days last week trying to get enough work done to make up for the short working week (there’s no free vacation!), I enjoyed an equally exhausting Thanksgiving holiday – or more of a non-Thanksgiving since I spent it in Montreal!  So to start the week off lightly, I decided to…