
Physicians Should Be Aware of Self-Medication Errors in Patients

Physicians should be reminded of the potential for medication errors by pet-owning patients and veterinarians as a result of self-medication. This was the message from a case reported in a clinical communication to the editor by Harmeet Singh Narula, MD, from the Department of Medicine, SUNY Stony Brook, NY, in this month’s American Journal of…

2012 Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting

This weekend I’ve been covering this year’s Annual Meeting of the Pediatric Academic Societies in Boston. My specific assignment was to write news articles on endocrinology presentations there, but there was so much going on outside of the endocrine world!   It’s been a busy couple of days, but I’ve just emerged from the tunnel! I…

Warm Email Prospecting

Strangely enough, after reposting my Marketing By Warm Email Prospecting – Part II after a “missing link” incident, I came across a Facebook update by Ed Gandia that same evening. He is once again making his free training series available via his website, but only for a few days. So don’t miss out on the opportunity – head…

Cantaloupes and the Multi-State Outbreak of Listeriosis

Another post that I’m resurrecting because its link disappeared as I transitioned to my self-hosted site!   Listeriosis Last year we experienced the biggest food-borne outbreak of listeriosis in this country in over 20 years. At least 30 people across 12 states had died as a result of eating tainted cantaloupes that were linked to…

The Taxman

Well it’s a good feeling to have Tax Week behind us. I’ve always dealt with my own taxes, they’ve never been particularly difficult to cope with. But this year I decided to get the help of a CPA. It’s something I’ve always thought about doing, but have just never been organized enough to do. Usually…

Cantaloupes and the Multi-State Outbreak of Listeriosis

Listeriosis Last year we experienced the biggest food-borne outbreak of listeriosis in this country in over 20 years. At last count, 30 people across 28 states had died as a result of eating tainted cantaloupes that were linked to one Colorado farm. And a total of 146 cases were confirmed in this outbreak. The causative bacterial organism, Listeria…