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Healthy Lifestyle Helps Boost Bowel Cancer Survival

Colorectal cancer (CRC) patients seem to have a better chance of survival if they have already been living a healthy lifestyle before their diagnosis, research shows. d The American Cancer Society estimates that, in 2015, over 130,000 people in the US will be diagnosed with CRC, and more than 49,000 of them will die as…

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Free Webinar: Web-Based Software for Literature Reviews

AMWA members – have you registered yet for the upcoming webinar on Web-Based Software for Literature Reviews (May 28th, 1pm EST)? k It’s free for AMWA members to attend, so if you haven’t already done so, go ahead and register asap! And if you’re a medical writer but not yet a member of AMWA, I highly…


Just Do It!

Another Lesson Learned n I’ve learned many great lessons in life – usually from my mistakes. In fact, I always say I’ve learned more from my mistakes than from anything I ever got right. This has frequently been the case when it comes to all-things-technology! My most recent Grrr Moment came from a fried memory…

Mushroom Compound Improves Survival in Canine Hemangiosarcoma

In dogs with hemangiosarcoma, treatment with a compound originating from the Coriolus versicolor mushroom was shown to result in survival times longer than any recorded so far in dogs with this condition. ‘ Hemangiosarcoma is an aggressive form of cancer with a high metastatic rate that originates in endothelial cells that line blood vessels. This tumor…

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AMWA-New England Chapter Meeting

Last week I attended our fall AMWA-NE Chapter dinner meeting, which turned out to be another fun evening. We met at Mick Morgan’s Irish Pub & Restaurant in Newton, MA. It was a fun venue, although our private room turned out to be not-so-private! It was a side room that was continuous with the main part of the bar,…

AMWA-New England 10th Biennial Conference

On Saturday, April 6th, I attended the AMWA-New England Chapter’s 10th Biennial Conference at the Sturbridge Host Hotel and Conference Center, Sturbridge, MA.  The “menu” on offer for the day was wonderful – great sessions to choose from. I attended the “Freelance Forum” in the morning, and “Transitioning to Medical Writing from Allied Fields” in the…


The Link Between Animal Cruelty and Interpersonal Abuse

Did you know that April was “Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month”? j Each year, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) “urges supporters across the country to support our efforts and Go Orange for Animals in honor of the signing of the ASPCA’s charter in 1866.” No other relationship has…