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Step 2: Get Yourself Out There!

Time for Step 2 of the “Beginner’s Medical Writing” series – a step-by-step guide to getting yourself started in freelance medical writing. Remember – this is not a “get rich quick” guide, but merely an extremely basic guide for those of you who are pondering branching into medical writing, but don’t quite know how to…

This Week In Words

Well I’m not sure whether to thank Cathy Miller or not, but she has now helped to get me hooked on www.tagxedo.com/! I think this one might be completely addictive. But before you rush off to make your own wordcloud, please check out Cathy’s website http://simplystatedbusiness.com/ or catch her on Twitter @millercathy

Marriage Improves Odds of Surviving Colon Cancer

A recent study indicates that being married might actually improve the likelihood of survival for patients with colon cancer. Researchers studied the medical records of 127, 753 patients and determined that married people with colon cancer were 14% less likely to die than unmarried patients with the disease. Interestingly, the benefit of marriage was almost identical in both men and…

New Pad!

Welcome to my new pad! I’m in the process of switching over here to WordPress, so please bear with me. I’m having some issues with the format of imported posts, so previous posts may look a little odd, but hopefully the change will be a good one overall.

Pets And Allergies

Exposure To Pets In The First Year Of Life May Reduce Risk Of Allergies The relationship between exposure to pets and allergic disease risk has long been unresolved. Various studies in recent years have examined the effect of early exposure to cats and dogs on allergies in children. The results, however, have been conflicting, with…

This Week In Words

Yesterday I went to the New England Chapter meeting of the American Medical Writers Association. It was a lot of fun, highly informative & I met some great new people. If you’re a science writer but are not yet a member of the AMWA, I’d highly recommend it – a great networking opportunity.