AMWA-New England 10th Biennial Conference

On Saturday, April 6th, I attended the AMWA-New England Chapter’s 10th Biennial Conference at the Sturbridge Host Hotel and Conference Center, Sturbridge, MA. 

The “menu” on offer for the day was wonderful – great sessions to choose from. I attended the “Freelance Forum” in the morning, and “Transitioning to Medical Writing from Allied Fields” in the afternoon, and both were highly enjoyable and informative.

As always, it was so nice to meet new fellow writers at the conference, as well as catching up with some old friends, and I think everyone left feeling encouraged and motivated.

Are you new to medical writing? If so, I highly recommend joining AMWA and attending your local chapter meetings.

You’ll meet lots of fabulous, friendly writers, and your money will be very well-spent.


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